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Some very sad news.


Many people contacted me after I wrote about the extraordinary Masixole Mkrakra, the young man from a rural township in South Africa, who discovered a passion for cricket and the Award.   I’m sorry to have to report that earlier this week a tragic accident took place and Masixole drowned.   As his friend Ross has written, “He brought pride and honour to his community with his gentle, determined, positive attitude. He was a great ambassador and a fine example to all who knew him. His passing is deeply felt by all of us who were lucky to have known him.”

This picture shows Masixole, Ross and the CEO of the South Africa President’s Award, Martin Scholtz, in the Long Room at Lords on their visit there earlier this year.   I last saw Masixole at a gala dinner in Johannesburg  held in aid of the President’s Award.  He was as entertaining and inspirational as ever.

The thoughts and prayers of the entire Award family are with Masixole’s family and friends at this very difficult time.





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