It was all rather good.
The evening wasn’t without its pressures. Five minutes before we were due to start, a fuse blew and all the electrics for the right hand side of the hall, including lights, video projectors and so on failed. Luckily, someone was able to trip the switch back – or maybe they spent the rest of the evening holding two sparking wires together – I guess I’ll never know. Our video, lovingly put together to launch the evening, failed to play and the audience was faced with silence, a few still images and then the windows desktop as the technicians had their own not so private panic.
But all the certificates were in the right order and everyone went home with the right one. The video finally got played at the end of the event. The ensuing reception in the art gallery was wonderful with loads of proud parents taking photographs of their teenage children, despite being asked not to do so by worried security people. (Photography is forbidden in the gallery).
The Career Academy staff team coped with each small (and not so small) crisis with smiles on their faces – even if they were seething underneath the facade. It does feel a bit cheesy to write it, but I do feel quite proud to be part of such an excellent team.
The evening just proved again that the Career Academy programme really is something special. And, along with all the other parents in the audience, was my Mum. Which was lovely.
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