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Youth to Everest – a note to my fellow adventurers…

Dear all

I’m sitting at the airport in Kathmandu, waiting for my plane to Delhi, so I thought I’d drop you a quick note.   Thank you for including me in your amazing group for the last 14 days.  It’s been an honour and a privilege for this old codger to spend time with such a brilliant, vibrant, supportive collection of young people and adults.   It’s certainly reminded me why I am so passionate about the Award and why experiences like the one you’ve just had should be made available to many, many more young people.

Please make sure you share as many pictures as possible of our extraordinary Adventurous Journey together.   And don’t forget my offer of joining you on Skype when you eventually make your presentations to your friends and families.

Above all else, hold on to the memories of the last fortnight.   They will stay with you, I am certain, for the rest of your lives.   Remember the moments you felt tested, the moments you felt full of joy, the moments you discovered something new about yourselves and others.   

Remember I told you that Prince Philip got the idea of the Award from the man who’d once been his headmaster, Kurt Hahn?   Hahn once wrote, “I regard it as the foremost task of education to insure the survival of these qualities: an enterprising curiosity, an undefeatable spirit, tenacity in pursuit, readiness for sensible self denial, and above all, compassion.”

I think he would have said he’d succeeded if he’d been fortunate enough to have met you.

I wish you all a safe journey home, a jolly good rest and a great term ahead.   And, of course, tremendous success in the great Adventurous Journey that is the rest of your lives.

With warmest wishes,



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