Today, Alan Milburn published his independent report on the state of entry to the professions by young people from backgrounds other than the most wealthy. It has been a slow news day, so the report has stayed as a major headline all day – giving me the opportunity to play media tart for a few hours.
I started the morning at Westminster, in the BBC studios at Millbank, being interviewed for the BBC News Channel. I then went down to the basement to record an interview for the Channel 4 lunchtime news. Thinking that was it (and feeling quite excited), I headed back to Canary Wharf, only to discover that my BBC interview had been picked up and was being broadcast hourly on the Radio 2 news. This led to me doing an extended piece, back at Millbank, with Richard Bacon, on his show in the afternoon. (
Finally, a call came through mid afternoon from the BBC News Channel, asking if I’d go to White City to do a further live interview, accompanying one of our Career Academy students. So I found myself in Television Centre, for the first time since I was a teenager and had visited Top of the Pops to see it recorded. Volkan was brilliant. The topic of social mobility was explored sensitively and I was pleased to have been able to make some important points about the responsibilities of employers. People have commented on the brightness of my tie.
All in all, a very jolly day.
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