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Farewell to the Award

On the 14th October, I had the opportunity to say a few thank yous as I bowed out as Secretary General of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award…

Thank you.

Two little words that truly say exactly what I want to say this evening.

Thank you to the young people and their leaders around the world who choose to engage in what I believe to be, quite simply, the best non-formal education and learning framework there is.

Thank you to those of you in this room from Award Operators worldwide. Through everything that you do, You are making an extraordinary difference to the ways in which the young people we seek to serve, build the skills, behaviours and attitudes they need to be successful adults.

Thank you to those of you who support and fund the Award. Your generous investment, quite simply, feeds and assures the future.

Thank you to the Award Foundation trustees. You took the risk of appointing me eleven years ago. You have challenged, strategised, advised and supported the ambition, mission and vision of the Award – your passion and commitment are profound, and you have created a culture of kindness that allows great work to thrive.

Thank you to my staff colleagues at the Foundation. You serve your fellow Award family members with immense care. You are never selfish. You look out for each other – and you always go way beyond expectations to achieve amazing things. I feel immensely privileged to have worked with and for you – and I hope we’ve had some fun along the way.

Thank you to Your Royal Highness, for your inspired and inspiring leadership, your wisdom, good humour, extraordinary patience when I have behaved as an outrageous prima Donna, and for trusting me to help you take forward your father’s extraordinary legacy.

We have a responsibility, as an Award family, to help young people to find their purpose, passion and place in the world.

Thank you all for letting me play my part, within this extraordinary family, in helping this and future generations of young people equip themselves to be #worldready.

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