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Disaster relief for Nepal…

2d6b0c3a-27ea-40fb-9ab6-cd0f67d70977-1020x612I’m running the London Marathon tomorrow. And, until today, Saturday 25th April, I’d decided that I was just doing it for fun. To prove to myself that I could still run 42.2km.

But earlier today, Nepal was hit by a devastating earthquake. I was there, just seven days ago, with an amazing bunch of young Award participants and adults, trekking in the Everest Valley and seeing the sights in Kathmandu.

Today, many of the places we visited have been destroyed and we don’t yet have news about the safety (or otherwise) of the friends we made on our trail.

So, I’ve decided that I should use my run to raise money for Oxfam. Their team on the ground in Nepal is assessing needs right now.

You can help.

Please sponsor my marathon run tomorrow and help Oxfam.

Please just click on the link below and make a pledge…

(And if you wanted to share this post with your network of friends, then that would be great too…)

Thank you…



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One Comment

  1. A J A J

    Good on you, but I am so pleased to read that you came home 7 days ago, I met a lovely young man on my flight from Invercargill to Christchurch, and he was embarking on his first ever trip away alone to Nepal, I have been very concerned about him since hearing about the earthquakes so relived to know he is safe! My heart goes out to all the locals that you and your group would have made deep bonds with and I hope the majority of them are safe too..

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