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Never wear a wool suit when it’s hot

Amongst my meetings today was with someone whose office has to have the best view in New York. Dick Parsons is the Chairman and CEO of Time Warner and he’s interested in supporting the Career Academy movement in the UK. This morning, immediately before my meeting, I read in the New York Times that he might be a mayoral candidate in 2008. I didn’t press him on the issue. But he does have an amazing office Eighteen floors up in the Time Warner building on Columbus Circle, the view over Central Park and the Upper East Side beyond looks like something the tourist authorities would want to see in any brochure. I was too British to ask whether I could take a picture (maybe next time) so the blog will have to make do with one I took from only the third floor.

It has been incredibly hot for the past couple of days. The interminable weather reports on the TV, given by smiling male broadcasters with perfect teeth, suggest that we’ve been close to record temperatures for the time of year. By bringing a dark woolen suit with me for meetings, I have certainly added to the New Yorker’s stereotypical image of the Englishman abroad. I have been impeccably turned out, but at times in danger of broiling in my own sweat. Yuk. As I write, the weather has changed and it’s now pouring down – with thunder and lightning. I’m about to go out to dinner with an old friend and I haven’t brought a raincoat. So now the suit will be as wet on the outside as it’s been underneath the armpits all day…

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