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An Award holder’s story…

Speech Presented by Waa NKENG MUSI, Gold Award Holder of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Programme, Trainer of Trainers and Member of the African Regional Training Panel of the Duke Of Edinburgh’s International Award Programme and National Coordinator of the Gold Award Holders Association Cameroon at the Welcome Dinner of the Mr. John May, Secretary General of the Duke Of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation to Cameroon.

H.E.The Minster of state Incharge of Special Duties at the Presidency of the Republic,

H.E. the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education,

H.E. Minister of Higher Education,

H.E. the Minister of Secondary Education,

H.E. the Minister of External Relations,

H.E. the Minister of Communication,

Respectfully and most distinguished High State Personalities,

The British High Commissioner for Cameroon and his entourage,

Other State Ambassadors here present,

The Secretary General of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Programme,

The Regional Director for Africa – Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Programme,

The Matron of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme Cameroon Dr. Dianne Acha Mofor,

The NAA Director for Award Cameroon,

My fellow colleagues Young People of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme Cameroon,

Guest and Family Members,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I stand here today to show proof to what the Award has done to my life and can still do to other Young people. As a young man growing up, making speeches at events like this where farfetched. Reasons maybe, because of the under-privileged background and family from where I held.

If I have one regret in my life, is because my mother didn’t live to see my achievements and sit here today to watch me testify this to this great personalities, In healthier words, I will call you my immediate public.

My greatest adage is that, “Charity, begins at home.”

My journey through this prestigious programme <<The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award>> has given me a totally different impetus in life. It has oriented me from a lost beginning to a gloomy future. That youngman whom after his high school education thought life had ended on the streets, that youngman whom his friends and even some of his family members had lost hopes on him. Yes! I still had to move on.

Today, my life is a testimony for them and a reference to those young people who think same like I thought some 16years ago. Today, should be a new beginning to you some of the young people sitting here and having the opportunity to listen to me share this story of my award Journey.

Acquiring a SKILL in Photography and Film Making through my skill training with the Award Programme, gave me a lot of exposure and today, my peers look up to me. I am not only excercising what I got from the Award but it has opened many doors in my life from my involvement with the Award, travelling abroad to me as a young boy for greener pastures was my number one priority. The award came to my life and made me see my 1st priority as no priority. The opportunities in my life today are abound. I have been to some of the best places in the world I would never have imagined. Standing at the door gate of legendary Nelson Mandela’s prison room and watching his room where he spent 25years, seeing the millions of young people locked up in correctional centers “Prison” in 14states in Western Cape, South Africa for little or no crime, makes my mind ponder what life could have been for me without the training gotten from the Award Programme.

Today, as one of the youngest serving Board member with the Copy Right Corporation for audio visuals and Photography in Cameroon, Founding Chairperson of the Cameroon Film Industry, Lecturer in Journalism and Media at the University, Entrepreneur, Seasoned Award winning Film Maker and Professional Photographer with a blessed family life, have offered me all I desire.

Permit, me contextualize why I have been saying all these. As Gold Award holder, I was opportune in 2011 to benefit from African Regional Think Tank Training Panel to be amongst those who today sit on the African Regional Training Panel ARTP. Reason why, I am wearing these double recognition pins from the DUKE. I owe this programme nothing more but collectively with other Trainers we shall continue to support the Award to reach out to all the millions of vulnerable young people found in Prisons, on the Streets, in Deaf and dump centers, Associations, Educational establishments and re-habilitation camps to acquire their Award and become polished Diamond Youths like me.

You all are here today to bear witness to the cause, be our ambassadors, our partners and funders and to be a testimony of this pact. It is the wish and the goal of our head of state, His Excellency President Paul Biya to prioritize all youth actions in letting them be part of Nation building as we look forward to emergence by 2035.

The Award Programme continues to stand unique as world’s leading youth achievement Award programme, which offers a balance and Non-competitive programme for young people between the ages of 14 and 24years. Its volunteering, non-competitive, non-racial nor religious, challenging Young People Everywhere.

My fellow young people, move away from the things of today, a person cannot be genuinely happy with a heart full of envy. Positivity inspires, instead of envying others, we should remain thankful for what we have and rejoice when others are blessed. Let us give the excess we have to a cheerful receiver and see how their joy comes abound. We rely only on the generous support of our donors to help us extend the Award to young people.

From a charitable initiative to charitable young people, the Award Programme continues to cut across lives, families, communities, Nations and Continents making the world one simple village. Thanks to the Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip, for the opportunity. Young people, let the Award Change your life too. Take the opportunity and start your own Award Journey.

Long live the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award foundation,

Long live the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme Cameroon,

Long live Cameroon our fatherland.

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