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Youth to Everest – Day 12

Today’s correspondent is Sam:

After a breakfast of porridge and pancakes we were ready for our last day of walking in the mountains. We set off, out of the comforts of the Nirvana lodge at 8:30am, slopping on some sunscreen as we did. 

We stopped to have lemon tea and a snack a little earlier than expected as we back tracked our way down towards Lukla. The day seemed to never end as we walked on and on. Eventually we reached a small village just before Lukla as it began to rain. We piled in around the tables and waited for lunch to appear. We were becoming impatient, but then out came the piping hot Sherpa stew. 

We made the final push up the hill into Lukla, where we met John Gully coming towards us. He was off to meet two of the orphan children that he supports. Seeing those two boys’ faces when they saw John was the favourite part of my whole trip. This point really struck me how different life over here was. We brought the food and clothes for the boys which will supply them for the year. I brought a school bag and chipped in for new caps for the boys. After a few photos with them, I returned to the lodge.

 John let us know we would have the choice of chicken for dinner. Meat! I was so excited to have chicken!  It was one of the only times we had meat the whole time in the mountains. While waiting for dinner we all signed a scarf with a small message to say thank you to John May and how much we enjoyed having him on our trip. We presented this to him as well as thanking our porters at the same time. John told one of his many practised DofE stories which was a very inspirational story about not being chicken and aiming high. Not long after dinner we concluded our day and headed off to bed for the early start ahead.

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