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Youth to Everest – Day 11

Today’s correspondent is Clark:

Well, it’s my birthday.  I woke after a great sleep and dozed in bed until Sam knocked on the door, saying that the porters were all ready and wanting our bags.   Everyone screamed, “Happy Birthday” to me as we headed across the street for an amazing breakfast of hot chocolate, Marmite and butter on toast and honey on toast – such a treat after the muesli or porridge we’ve been eating up to now.

Holly told us to tramp in our own time, as long as we kept to groups of three or more, and that the leaders would see us at Namche at the Illy cafe for lunch at 12:00.   So, Nic, Bella, Ella and I all walked together, listening to music and doing lots of parkour.   

When we got to Namche, we did a bit of shopping.  I bought a Gurkha knife which was like an original. (The Ghurkas were a really rough group of soldiers and if they drew their swords they had to draw blood).  

For lunch, we had a Margarita pizza.  It was good to get some western food inside my body.

We then headed down the Namche Bump, which was pretty easy.  

Ollie, Jack, Robbie, Bella and I decided to climb up a waterfall.  We helped each other over boulders and the view from the top was pretty amazing.  We could easily see the snowy mountains on the horizon.   We headed down to a less than happy Holly, however, who had been waiting for us in the cold at the bottom.   We all felt pretty bad about this, but also in the back of our minds felt that the view was worth the telling off we received!

We got to the Nirvana Lodge which was very, very comfortable.   (Note from John – It certainly was!).  We found, however, that there weren’t enough rooms for all of us, so Robbie, Jack, Ollie and I volunteered to tent as we felt we weren’t in the good books with Holly, so we’d try to get back into them.   When we saw the size of the tents, I decided instead that I’d put a mattress on the floor of Nic and Don’s room to sleep.  But when in brought the mattress into the room, I managed to knock the lightbulb out if its socket in the ceiling – and it smashed.  Not a great time to do so.   Nic and I apologised profusely, but I still felt guilty as I swept it off the floor.

For dinner we had hot chips, dumplings and pasta, which was delicious. (Note from John – Why have just one carbohydrate when you can enjoy three all at once?)

After dinner, the biggest surprise of the day came when Jess brought out pudding from the kitchen – apple pie with birthday candles on it.   Everyone sang happy birthday.  Nawane and Tashi presented me with traditional scarves and the lodge owner gave me a present of fresh fruit and chocolate.  I was honestly so surprised.

I’m really grateful to have had my birthday surrounded by such lovely people.  I couldn’t have wished for a more amazing birthday.  I’m in the most amazing place with the most amazing people.  I went to sleep on a comfy mattress with a smile on my face.

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One Comment

  1. Stephen Lawrence Stephen Lawrence

    Love the blog, John. A fantastic way for parents to follow the trip. Great to see you involving the kids in the writing too. All the best to the group for the final few days, from Little Pom’s Dad

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