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Nearly 500 young people graduate from Career Academies

I felt incredibly proud this afternoon when nearly 500 students from Career Academies all over the country came together at Westminster Central Hall for their graduation ceremony. The Career Academies UK staff team, led by Martyn and Yvonne, had put together a terrific event. Great set. Superb opening video. Faultless and efficient certificate presentations. And a really excellent keynote speech from Evan Davis of BBC Radio 4 and “The Dragons’ Den”.

Evan apologised to the young people for the mistakes of our generation – and urged them to help put the world back on its feet. In the audience were a number of people who have been more intimately involved with the causes of the current recession than most of us. I know that those former masters of the universe felt fairly chastened by Evan’s words. Several of them told me so afterwards.

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