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A glass gong

I was delighted (and rather honoured) to be joined by about 50 friends and colleagues at our offices today. They came for coffee and mince pies (rather good ones) and to celebrate the presentation of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion to me by Sir David Brewer, Lord Lieutenant of Greater London, on behalf of Her Majesty. I missed the opportunity to have the award presented to me by the Queen during the summer, because I was in Korea at the World Scout Conference.

I was particularly pleased that my Mum could be with me. Sadly, Joe, Trish and Jack-Patrick are back in Australia, but Joe called me last night to wish me well.

I am now the proud owner of a very smart piece of glass (which I think will hold jelly beans for moments of office based sugar craving) and a warrant of appointment, signed by HM the Queen and the Prime Minister.

The party was really super (and tremendously organised by Mona and Martyn). It’s a day I will certainly remember for the rest of my life.

Oh yes, after the party a number of us went skating on the ice rink outside our offices. That was rather fun too!

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