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Sturminster Half Marathon

Three weeks of running in humid conditions meant that I was both well and ill prepared for today’s race. Well prepared because running in light drizzle was actually rather pleasurable. Ill prepared because I simply haven’t racked up enough miles recently to get round a half marathon easily.

I reached the halfway point of a really quite gentle course at 1 hour 3 minutes, but slowed down quite a bit in the second half of the course. I still finished at well under 2 hours 15, so am happy with the result, but it is nowhere near as good as my performance in Brighton earlier this year. There were very few ‘fun runners’ on this country lanes course. Almost everyone was with a running club. And, because it was a country lanes course, there were no crowds to gee you up when you were feeling tired. The goody bag at the end was excellent (as was the marshaling all the way round.) A milkshake, cakes and a tee shirt. And there were hot showers at the nearby leisure centre available for free. A real bonus!

On the way home, I visited Stonehenge. So, today, instead of sharing a picture of me grinning inanely with a medal round my neck, here’s one of me grinning inanely in my finisher’s tee shirt, with some old stones behind me…

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